GT Ultra dances between the worlds of sans and serifs, fusing calligraphy and construction. Achieving a balance between flair and function across a versatile typographic system, the design combines the centuries-old context of serif type with the dynamism of modern sans; challenging its own definition and questioning contemporary typographic expectation.
The world is rife with anonymous sans typefaces, carrying with them the misguided notion that they are contemporary by default. They’re slick, they’re modern, they’re now. Likewise, serifs are often seen as inescapably historical, old-fashioned, and out-of-date.
Well, GT Ultra is here to prove both of those assumptions wrong. It’s time for something else; something that objects to what’s expected of contemporary typefaces. Something that is neither here nor there.
With energetic architecture and finespun details laying its bedrock, this versatile, variable typographic system utilizes the latest typographic technology to realize its full potential, while showcasing its contrary combination of contexts; informed by the past, affected in the present and crafted for the future.